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Many internet providers give away free web space for commercial and personal sites. This will be a comparison of these sites.

Check Your Website Online With NetMechanic

NetMechanic Tools


Instruction in a step by step manner to guide you to making your website, for those who are very new to the internet and need create a site quickly. (Including newbies who have no money, nor even a computer.) Official course of Trillium University presented by this website:

Multi Level Mailing List Builder

FreeMailer2000 When you sign-up for Free, you will get your very own personalized FreeMailer2000 website along with your Unique URL. When someone signs-up from your FreeMailer2000 website, they become your First Level Downline. Similarly, when someone else signs-up from their Unique URL, they become your Second Level Downline and so on till 15 Levels. The trade off here is very light, only 14 people are able to send email to you in return.


Click here for information about webrings mastered by

Webings are a great way to surf the web by topic, and a good method of getting your pages noticed for webmasters.


Trillium University maintains an archive at for software (and links to downloads) which you might find benificial.

The Internet Society
We are a member of ISOC, the Internet SOCiety.

If you need professional help, send me an e-mail describing your needs and how to best contact you.

F. Davies
(360) 352-0242
ICQ 43536012


I strongly recommend either of these two companies.
You can begin for free and the service is good.
Click on this banner to sign up for a site at Hypermart.

Click on this banner to sign up for a site at Netfirms.

Hosting services include free tools and website hosting. Click on the banners above and make a website within the hour. Premium services are exceptional and they have all the goodies and services you expect from a quality host.


Table of services of free website providers
Please come back in a week, or email your reviews
of the ones you have had experience with.
This is new as of Oct 18, 2000. -Frank

ACME City Non commercial, good for multimedia. My site (animation examples) which was there, seems to have vanished.
Angelfire You can advertise your company or products here, but you can not get paid from an outside source to advertise on your page. A valid email must remain on your page(s) or it will be removed. Pages are subject to removal, if there is no activity (hits or edits) on the page for 60 days.
Fiberia My motto? Never Erase.
FreeServers This table will contain information shortly.
FreeYellow This table will contain information shortly.
FortuneCity This table will contain information shortly.
GeoCities Bought out by
I have been unable to retrieve password for 5 weeks. Update: make that a couple years now. Trillium University was originally at Geocities but has been moved to
Hypermart This table will contain information shortly.
Homestead My very first page is still here. Or rather it was for quite some time. Then Homestead broke their word and decided to charge people which eventually led to the loss of many sites including mine.
NetTaxi This table will contain information shortly.
Netscape This table will contain information shortly.
Netfirms Business oriented site.
Switchboard This table will contain information shortly.
TheGlobe This table will contain information shortly.
Tripod This table will contain information shortly.
20 MB free disk space 
Multiple OC-3 lines to UUNET and GTE 
Full access to Perl 
Server side include 
True FTP account 
Unlimited email aliasing and forwarding
Free 24/7 technical support
Pre-defined CGI scripting
User-defined CGI scripting
SSL support
Free subdomain registration
Daily server backups
No hit charge
UNIX platform
FrontPage extensions
Free Web-based email setup
Optional access to raw data logs
Server statistics
Web development tools
HTML spell check
Link check
Reseller opportunities
Yahoo This table will contain information shortly.
Xoom The folks here were very nice.
Alas, they interferd with my work
and thus it wouldn't here.
Future pages will include reviews of other services.

Free Internet Providers

1000 Free Shares
Join BlueCarrots and get 1000 shares in this plc. You don't have to wait to see if they float, the shares will be valid straight away.
Gives businesses everything they need for free. Including domain hosting, fast connection, reliable service, 25MB of space, autoresponders and loads more.
Virgin Net
Offers the chance to pay £5.99 / month for local-call telephone support.
Offers you a free or domain name as long as you frequently use their service.
Stray Duck
Gives you 0800 internet access one week in three. They average out your usage over the previous two weeks and give you that amount of free call time.
GoThere Internet
Free ISP offering absolutely everything you could possibly want.
UK Online
An original 'pay' ISP, now completely free.
Free ISP giving away shares for usage and referrals. Note that you must opt in to receive advertisements to get your free shares.
Hot Toast
Brand new ISP aimed at students.
Free Internet service provider offering local rate access across the UK. Site includes details of their technical support plus registration information.
4 The Net
This ISP sends you money for spending dial-up time with them. The cheque won't cover your phone bill but it will save you money.
BT ClickFree
BT ClickFree is the brand new free Internet access service from BT. ClickFree allows anyone who has a PC, modem and browser to get direct Internet access for the price of a local rate call.
Excellent ISP recently started giving their service away for free.
UK Fantastic
ISP offering free Internet access, five megabytes of Web space and unlimited e-mail addresses with local-rate calls throughout the UK. They are offering email addresses which is short and anonymous, ideal for business users who don't like the stigma of using a free service.
Get on the Internet free, courtesy of Dixons store chain. No registration or subscription fee. Local rate-calls. Unlimited e-mail addresses. And free web space. If that's not enough, there are also news, sport, entertainment and weather pages.
The X-Stream Network is the first provider of 100% FREE Internet access. Users enjoy lightning speed 56Kbps connections, as well as email and web browsing, at no cost. While you are connected, the service displays advertising banners at the top of your screen although they have recently been experimenting with 0800 free-call access.
Connect Free
Connect free to the fastest internet and interactive games servers around. No catches, no gimmicks, guaranteed first time connection every time.
Sign up for this ISP and Localtel telecom company and you will get free calls to the service on evenings and weekends. There have been reports of problems with reliability and trouble connecting but hopefully these will be sorted out soon.
Abel Gratis
You get a choice of domains for your free unlimited email addresses.
Arsenal FC
Show your support to the club.
Online banking for barclays customers is included.
All the usual extras. The portal emphasises the positive side of the net.
Breathe net
Five POP3 addresses, all 'legal' newsgroups and 10Mb space.
The ISP for beer lovers. With the latest beer and brewing news.
CurrantBun is the fun, free, simple ISP which cuts through all the clutter and brings you what you want from the Internet.
Unlimited web space even for business users.
Eidos Net
Another basic ISP.
Unlimited email, newsgroups and 10Mb webspace.
One of the first free ISPs. You get unlimited web space.
One of the first free ISPs. You get unlimited web space.
Included is 50Mb of web space.
Included is 50Mb of web space.
Internet Alliance Exchange, in case you were wondering.
in fin net
Provides unlimited e-mail addresses with five mailboxes per address.
Suitable for both home and business use.
Ministry of Sound
Subscribers get access to the exclusive VIP content.
Access to all the webs newsgroups.
Public Online
This ISP offers access through an 0800 number with calls charged to a credit card.
All the usual features.
Sniff Out
For dog lovers.
They offer support for windows, macs and linux.
The only requirement is that you must have a Tesco clubcard.
Online content provided by MSN.

For further information, contact: